Effective from the date of signing the inscription form in KinderGarden Tenerife.

The following terms and conditions are a contract between the [KinderGarden Tenerife legal form] and Parent / Guardian / Carer (You/Your) for the provision of child day-care services by [KinderGarden Tenerife legal form] (Us/We/Our) to your child.

1) Health & Well Being

a) You are required to cooperate with us and provide information as we may reasonably require about a child. This includes, but is not limited to:

i) any known medical condition, health problem, allergy or diagnosed dietary requirement,

ii) any suspected medical or health problem,

iii) any prescribed medicine,

iv) any lack of vaccination which your child would normally have by their age,

v) any family circumstances or court orders affecting your child,

vi) any concerns about your child’s safety,

vii) any concerns about your child’s physical and mental health.

b) You are required to notify us of any changes to your details or information about your child.

c) If your child is unwell they should not attend the daycare. We ask that you contact us to inform us of the absence. This is to ensure we are able to effectively communicate with all parents any communicable diseases in the daycare.

d) If a child becomes unwell whilst in our care we will contact you or the emergency contact detailed on the registration form. If the teacher deems that the child is not well enough to remain at the daycare, you may be requested to arrange collection of your child.

e) We will work with you to cater for specific diagnosed dietary and medical requirements of individual children. You have a duty of care to notify the daycare in writing if there are changes to a special diet or medical condition so that we can ensure all paperwork is updated in line with these changes. Any information by a third party in relation to the medical or dietary condition must also be shared with the daycare.

f) We reserve the right not to administer medicine, however, a request to administer medicine will be considered on an individual basis.

2) Events Beyond Our Control

a) If any event beyond our reasonable control for example; transport strikes, severe adverse weather conditions, personal health, global epidemics or acts of terrorism occurs, we may close the daycare. In these circumstances, we will not be held responsible and will not issue refunds for such forced closures.

3) General Conditions

a) We will not tolerate under any circumstances, behaviour towards our management or daycare staff team which is deemed to be threatening, abusive or violent. We will also not tolerate any actions which bring the daycare into disrepute without the daycare having a reasonable opportunity to address any such concerns. Any such behaviour/actions may result in immediate termination of the daycare place or a refusal to allow a person onto our premises.

b) We do not accept responsibility for any accidental injury and/or damage to or loss of property. We advise you to ensure all clothing and personal items are clearly marked with your child’s name.

c) We maintain insurances required by law, details of which are available from the daycaremanager.

d) Where a member of staff, within three months of leaving our employment and is employed by you to care for a child, who was previously registered at the daycare, then you will be liable to pay us a sum equivalent to 10% of their annual salary for the employee at the time their employment with us was terminated.

e) Should you approach a member of staff about providing a babysitting service, then this is permitted but as a separate and private arrangement between you and the person and providing it does not interfere in any way with their employment with us. Staff members responsibilities in relation to safeguarding during your private babysitting session are not covered by our insurance policy, nor do we take any responsibility for any accidents occurring during this private session.

4) Data Protection & Use of Images

a) Other than where consent is given images or recordings of your child for any purpose will not be taken by the daycare. This consent can be withdrawn at any time. Notice it may not be possible to remove images that are already in circulation or published.

b) During special nursery events, carers and family members at the discretion of the manager will be allowed to take recordings and images. Any recordings/images are for personal use only and under no circumstances should any images/recordings that include other children appear on social networking sites/internet or be made publicly available in any other way.

5) Your obligations

a) You are fully responsible for ensuring that we have received all details necessary to contact you in case of emergency.

b) You will comply with the house rules applicable in the daycare.

c) You will refrain from any conduct that will make the performance of this agreement more difficult on the part of the daycare and will be responsible for ensuring that your child also refrains from such conduct.

d) You will bring and collect your child in a timely manner and will be responsible for ensuring the fulfilment of this obligation by others who bring or collect the child on your behalf.

e) We will record the authorisation of those other than the parent who collect the child from the daycare in writing only if the parent requests this.

f) You will pay us in conformity with the arrangements made regarding this matter and within the payment term, alternatively bear the responsibility for this payment taking place.

6) Our obligations

a) We are obliged to provide childcare on the basis of an agreement concluded between us subject to these agreed Terms and Conditions.

b) We guarantee the following:

i) the childcare that takes place under its responsibility: - complies with the applicable legislation and regulations; - is executed in accordance with high standards and while making use of sound equipment;

ii) daycare will be suitable for the responsible childcare of children, with regard to personnel as well as material facilities. We will take the individual wishes of parents into consideration insofar as this is reasonably possible.

7) Mutual obligations

a) Both parties are jointly responsible for ensuring adequate exchange of information about the child.

8) Changes to These Terms and Conditions

a) These terms and conditions apply unless they are in any policy issued by us or letter that is signed by both you and us. In the case of any uncertainty as to which terms and conditions apply, these terms and conditions will apply.

b) If we make changes to our terms and conditions, we will give you a timely notice of our intention to do so.